Jedi: Fallen Order

Role: Technical Game Designer
Genre: Action Adventure / Metroidvania

I joined the Star Wars team right towards the end of production, during the frenzy of the last six months of development, to help get the game finished and polished and out the door. As such, my responsibilities were diverse and broad ranging, basically picking up anything that needed doing, bug fixing, last minute requests from level design, etc, but my major focus was on helping the cinematics department implement cinematics and cinematic transitions throughout the game.

Still with the Star Wars team currently, and excited to share what comes next.

Red Dead Redemption II

Role: Multiplayer Technical Game Designer
Genre: Action Adventure / Open-World

This one was four years in the making for me, my first title shipped as a pro. I worked on networked multiplayer game systems for RDR Online. Over four years I worked on a huge breadth of the game, some things that shipped and some that didn’t, but my primary responsibility was on the systems governing player-owned horses in Multiplayer.


Role: Solo Developer
Genre: Top-Down Shooter, Couch-Multiplayer (2-4 players)

A college game project, and the game I’m most proud of, purely because I built the whole thing essentially by myself. This project taught me more about game design than any other, just from the sheer weight of being responsible for every design decision in the game. ZeroLancer was a chance for me to really dig deep and explore asymmetrical combat design, which was a lot of fun. Each ship has unique weapons and movement, and approaches combat in a unique way. Maintaining balance between them was both difficult and rewarding.


Role: Level Designer
Genre: Racing, Couch-Multiplayer (2-4 players)

A college game project and my only stint so far as a level designer. Arc is a couch-multiplayer combat-racing game that uses linear world-spanning tracks to deliver implicit narrative during gameplay.